NSE India (nseindia.com), in accordance with SEBI guidelines prescribing minimum contract size of Rs. 2 lacs for futures contract, revises the market lot size of derivatives contract on Indices & Individual stocks.

So, with effect from Oct 31, 2014, the revised market lot size are as:-

Change in Market Lot (Indices)
Instrument Symbol Present Market Lot Revised Market Lot
CNX Nifty NIFTY 50 25
Nifty Midcap 50 NFTYMCAP50 150 75


No. of Underlying Change in Market Lot (Individual stocks)
48 Revised Downwards
7 Revised Downwards but new lot size is not a multiple of old lot size
1 Revised Upwards
83 Unchanged

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NSE Revises Lot Size of Derivative Contracts
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